Lisa and Myriam Lecousy, Canadian Mental Health Association national conference, 2018
Johnstone, F. & Lachance L. (2020), Invited Keynote: Doing Better for LGTBQ2+ youth in addressing experiences of violence, Trauma 2020 conference, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada (cancelled due to Covid 19 pandemic)
Lachance, L. (2020), Poster: Integrating community-based organizations into youth mental health services, International Foundation for Integrated Care, Crotia (cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic)
Lachance, L. (2020), Knowledge Mobilization in the Community Sector, Nova Scotia Department of Early Childhood and Education, online.
Johnstone, F. & Lachance L. (2019), Webinars: Doing Better for LGBTQ2+ Communities in Health and Social Services
Canadian Public Health Agency, October 2, 2019
Child Welfare League of Canada/Canadian Association of Social Workers, October 9 2019
Children’s Healthcare Canada, October 23 2019
YWCA November 27, 2019
Johnstone, F. & Lachance L. (2019), Youth engagement, www.prevnet.ca/youthengagement
Lachance, L. (2019). Addressing the mental health needs of marginalized young people through enhanced collaboration of community-based organizations and mental health services, International Association for Youth Mental Health, Brisbane, Australia
Lachance, L (2019).Respectful and inclusive approaches to youth engagement in research and knowledge translation. Centre of Research Excellence in Integrated Quality Improvement, University of Sydney Centre for Rural Health, Australia
Lachance, L. (2019). The power of engagement: community-based organizations and knowledge mobilization, U.S. Centre for Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, online national conference
Benlamri, M.,Chambers, C., Cummings, J., Lachance, L. (2019). Improving child and youth well-being through knowledge mobilization. Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS.
Lachance, L. (2019),The power of knowledge mobilization to improve children’s health, Canadian Association of Health Services, Policy and Research, Halifax, NS.
Lachance, L. (2018), The power of a Knowledge Mobilization Network for Youth Mental Health, 11th Annual Conference on Dissemination & Implementation in Health Sciences, Washington, DC, United States
Lachance, L. & Lecousy, M., (2018), Knowledge Mobilization for youth-led suicide prevention, Canadian Mental Health Association national conference, Montreal, QC
Lachance, L. & Bernard, K., (2018), Youth engagement in policy and programs, Healthy Living, Healthy Life conference (Dalhousie University), Halifax, NS
Lachance, L. & Canas, E. (2018), Engaging Youth with Lived Experience in Public Health Policy, Programs and Knowledge
Translation, Canadian Public Health Association national conference, Montreal, Quebec.
Lachance, L. 7 Akpik, A. (2018), Embrace Life: Youth-led suicide prevention. Poster presentation at Crossroads Interdisciplinary Conference, Halifax, NS.
Invited panelist – Senate of Canada Presentation on “Next Steps for Children’s Rights in Canada”, November 30 2017
Lachance, L., Canas, E. & Raimundo, A. (2017). Wisdom2Action Network Youth Advisory Council. (2017). Wisdom to Action: Mobilizing youths' lived-experience knowledge to inform mental health services, Qualitative Health research conference, Quebec City, Quebec.
Lachance, L., (September 2017) Using a community hub mentoring model to increase evaluation capacity within the child and youth mental health sector, International Association of Youth Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland
Henderson, J., Lachance, L., Manion, I., Raimundo, A., (June 2017) Transforming youth mental health services: A model for overcoming sector, discipline and geographical divides to achieve improved health outcomes, Canadian Public Health Association National conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lachance, L., (June 2017) Using a community hub mentoring model to increase evaluation capacity within the child and youth mental health sector, Canadian Public Health Association National conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lachance, L., Mahleka, D., & Wekerle, C., Knowledge Mobilization and Youth Engagement to support the Mental Health and Well being of Vulnerable Young People, Pathways to Resilience IV, Cape Town, South Africa
Lachance, L., Mahleka, D., Sudical, N. & Muhamed, M. (February 2017) Youth Engagement Workshop: Empowering Youth Voices and Participation, Public Health Agency of Canada/Health Canada, Ottawa, ON
Lachance, L., Raimundo, A., (September 2016) “Cyberviolence and gender-based violence – Mental Health Implications for Vulnerable Youth”, House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women, Ottawa, Canada (invited)
Lachance, L., Singbeil, R., (September 2016) “Wisdom2Action – a model for collaboration in mental health”, Canadian Mental Health Association national conference, Toronto, Canada
Lachance, L., Singbeil, R., (September 2016) “Supportive Environments for Young People with Complex Needs”, Canadian Mental Health Association national conference, Toronto, Canada
Lachance, L., Singbeil, R., (June 2016) “Wisdom2Action – a model for collaboration in mental health”, Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum, Toronto, Canada
Bray, J., Este, D., Fairholm, J., Lachance, L., Levert-Chaisson, I., Pelley, E. (June 2015), “What works for vulnerable young people” Pathways to Resiliency conference, Halifax, NS
Lachance, L., & Raimundo, A. (October 2015) “Youth Engagement in KMb: The CYCC Network story”, International Association of Child and Youth Mental Health Conference, Montreal, QC
Lachance, L. (March 2016), Supportive Environments for Young People with Complex Needs, Dalhousie Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research conference, Halifax NS
Lachance, L. (August 2015), “Engaging youth in KMb”, Atlantic Summer Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health, Charlottetown, PEI